Results for 'Roberto C. Carrillo-Torres'

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  1.  67
    Dielectric anomalous response of water at 60 °C.Juan C. del Valle, Enrique Camarillo, Laura Martinez Maestro, Julio A. Gonzalo, Carmen Aragó, Manuel Marqués, Daniel Jaque, Ginés Lifante, José García Solé, Karla Santacruz-Gómez, Roberto C. Carrillo-Torres & Francisco Jaque - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (7):683-690.
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    Factors Related to the Differential Development of Inter-Professional Collaboration Abilities in Medicine and Nursing Students.Nancy Berduzco-Torres, Begonia Choquenaira-Callañaupa, Pamela Medina, Luis A. Chihuantito-Abal, Sdenka Caballero, Edo Gallegos, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton & Luis Vivanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Family Loneliness: Its Effects in the Development of Empathy, Teamwork and Lifelong Learning Abilities in Medical Students.Nancy Berduzco-Torres, Pamela Medina, Begonia Choquenaira-Callañaupa, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto C. Delgado Bolton & Luis Vivanco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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    Pensar epistémico, educación popular e investigación participativa.Alfonso Torres C. - 2019 - CDMX: Editora Nómada.
    Pensar epistémico, educación popular e investigación participativa es un testimonio intelectual acerca de tres figuras emblemáticas del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano: Orlando Fals Borda, Paulo Freire y Hugo Zemelman. Alfonso Torres Carrillo, educador popular colombiano, expone su propia interpretación, nutrida por el diálogo con estos tres pensadores, sobre la vigencia (y trascendencia) de sus propuestas críticas y de acción social. Redimensiona, así, estas tres vertientes teóricas y metodológicas en América Latina: el pensar epistémico, la educación popular y el modelo (...)
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  6.  10
    Future of Universities in the Face of Technological and Educational Challenges.Carrillo Punina, Alvaro Patricio, Tipán Tapia, Luis Alfredo, Armijos Robles, Lorenzo Adalid, Cando Loachamin, Luis Alberto, Galarza Torres & Sandra Patricia - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1951-1971.
    In recent years, the situation of education has changed drastically and especially at the higher and university level. This factor is a consequence of technological development, the needs of the new generations and business demands. Thus, the research question that guides this study arises: How can universities adapt to provide an education that responds to these requirements? To this end, an exploratory documentary research is developed on the future of universities, and quantitative instruments are applied to know the perception of (...)
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  7. Pensar la investigación desde el margen de las ciencias sociales.Alfonso Torres Carrillo - 2010 - In Hugo Zemelman, ¿Como pensar las ciencias sociales hoy? [Bogotá, Colombia]: Universidad Pedagógica de Colombia.
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  8.  12
    Methodological Validation of the Cooperative Social Responsibility Measurement Instrument.Sandra Patricia Galarza Torres, Angie Fernández Lorenzo, Alvaro Patricio Carrillo Punina, Raura Ruiz Jorge Geovanny, Armijos Robles Lorenzo Adalid, Tipán Tapia Luis Alfredo & Benavides Ortiz Germán Gustavo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1535-1553.
    This research is part of the project "Corporate Social Responsibility in Ecuadorian savings and credit cooperatives. A multi-case analysis and proposal for the development of a cooperative education program" and examines the synergy between cooperative principles, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the dimensions proposed for a Cooperative Social Responsibility (CSR) measurement model in Ecuador. It explores how these dimensions converge to promote ethical, sustainable and socially responsible practices, aligned with current regulatory compliance. CSR has become increasingly important in cooperatives, (...)
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    Boekbespekingen.I. de la Potterie, I. de la Porterie, P. Smulders, P. Ploumen, P. Fransen, L. Monden, C. Sträter, J. Van Torre, P. Grootens, A. V. Kol, A. Snoeck, J. Rietmeyer, J. Mulders, J. De Munter, P. van Doornik, J. Crick, J. Rupert, R. Loyens, F. Malmberg, S. Trooster, R. Hostie, J. Nota, A. Poncelet, L. Vander Kerken, W. Couturier, P. de Bruin, L. Jansen, J. Peeters, A. De Pelsemaeker & A. Deblaere - 1955 - Bijdragen 16 (1):91-116.
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    Pertinence in the use of the clinical case as a didactic tool in biomedical basic sciences.Ubaldo Roberto Torres Romo, Neyda Fernández Franch, Sarah Estrella López Lazo & Oscar Liza Hernández - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):354-368.
    Los métodos productivos de enseñanza preparan a los estudiantes para resolver problemas semejantes a los que se enfrentarán en el ejercicio laboral. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamentar la pertinencia de la utilización del caso clínico como herramienta didáctica para la enseñanza en las ciencias básicas biomédicas, mediante un sistema de tareas para abordar los contenidos del tema Fisiología de la sangre de la asignatura Sangre y Sistema Inmune de la carrera de medicina. El caso clínico permite la vinculación de (...)
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  11.  44
    An Italian Campaign to Promote Anti-doping Culture in High-School Students.Roberto Codella, Bill Glad, Livio Luzi & Antonio La Torre - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Doping poses a threat to sport worldwide. Studies have revealed that, in addition to elite athletes, amateur and recreational sportsmen and sportswomen are making increasing use of performance-enhancing drugs. Worryingly this trend has been documented among young people. Anti-doping efforts seeking to deter elite athletes from doping through detection of the use of prohibited substances are costly and have not been completely effective either at the top-level or the amateur/recreational level. A thoughtful education program, inspired by honesty and respect, might (...)
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  12.  22
    The Economic and Social Value of Science and Technology Parks. The Case of Tecnocampus.Jose Torres-Pruñonosa, Josep Maria Raya & Roberto Dopeso-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article aims to measure both the economic and social value of Tecnocampus, a Science and Technology Park in its region of influence. Our results show that the impact of Tecnocampus has a socioeconomic cost–benefit ratio of 2.39. Measuring the impact of this multifaceted centre requires a diverse approach. Although the methods used are not new, the combination of them presents a novel approach to measure the impact of an institution of this nature. We have measured the economic value with (...)
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  13.  94
    El concepto metodológico de reflexión en Husserl y en Ricoeur.Roberto C. F. Menéndez - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:249-268.
    Este trabajo describe el concepto de reflexión en la fenomenología de Edmund Husserl y en la hermenéutica de Paul Ricoeur, especialmente en sus trabajos metodológicos y de fundamentación de sus respectivas filosofías. La atención está puesta principalmente en las semejanzas y diferencias entre ambas nociones de reflexión. Con ello se pretende conducir al lector hacia la pregunta que interroga por el sentido de la actividad reflexiva, entendida como capacidad de descubrir y analizar las propias operaciones subjetivas implicadas en la constitución (...)
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    La indiscreta presencia de sí. La génesis de las habitualidades y el problema de la reflexión en Husserl.Roberto C. F. Menéndez - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:193.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar la cuestión de las habitualidades en la fenomenología de Husserl para pensar la génesis de la reflexión en nuestro mundo actual. En un primer momento, y principalmente a partir de libros primero y segundo de las Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica, se revisarán el concepto de yo en Husserl en dos de sus dimensiones principa-les: el yo como polo idéntico de las vivencias y el yo como substrato de las (...)
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  15.  21
    Primer ciclo formativo de Medicina en el Policlínico Julio Antonio Mella de Camagüey.Ubaldo Roberto Torres Romo, Aida Marante Vilariño, Neyda Fernández Franch & Ángela Betancourt Vasconcelos - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (1):46-57.
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  16.  51
    Fischer on the Periplus of Hanno De Hannonis Carthaginiensis periplo, scripsit Curtius Theodobus Fischer. Leipzig: Teubner. 1893. Pp. iv. 134. 8vo. 3 Mk. [REVIEW]C. Torr - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (07):326-.
  17.  19
    Primer ciclo formativo del médico general básico en el Policlínico Julio A. Mella de Camagüey.Ubaldo Roberto Torres Romo, Aida Marante Vilariño, Neyda Fernández Franch & Ángela Cristina Betancourt Vasconcellos - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (1):46-57.
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  18. Confiance et proximité in Economie de proximité (dir) Pecqueur B. et Zimmmerman JB.C. Dupuy & A. Torre - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Percolation transition in water–AOT–decane microemulsion investigated by transient grating measurement.C. Ziparo, R. Eramo, C. M. C. Gambi & R. Torre - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):759-767.
  20. Institutional capacity building: Tanzania. End of program evaluation report.C. C. Macpherson, S. Franceschet, L. Ayala, J. F. Bencomo, M. SantÃn, R. Torres, Fdez Yero Jl, C. Silva, S. O. Orach & J. Jutting - 2001 - Developing World Bioethics 1 (1):57-68.
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  21. Gene Section.Erika Patricia Rendon-Huerta, Ana C. Torres-Martínez & Luis Montaño - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
  22.  23
    LMC and SDL Complexity Measures: A Tool to Explore Time Series.José Roberto C. Piqueira & Sérgio Henrique Vannucchi Leme de Mattos - 2019 - Complexity 2019 (1):2095063.
    This work is a generalization of the López-Ruiz, Mancini, and Calbet (LMC) and Shiner, Davison, and Landsberg (SDL) complexity measures, considering that the state of a system or process is represented by a continuous temporal series of a dynamical variable. As the two complexity measures are based on the calculation of informational entropy, an equivalent information source is defined by using partitions of the dynamical variable range. During the time intervals, the information associated with the measured dynamical variable is the (...)
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  23.  13
    Complexity Measures for Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution.Nicholas Smaal & José Roberto C. Piqueira - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-6.
    This work presents a discussion about the application of the Kolmogorov; López-Ruiz, Mancini, and Calbet ; and Shiner, Davison, and Landsberg complexity measures to a common situation in physics described by the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution. The first idea about complexity measure started in computer science and was proposed by Kolmogorov, calculated similarly to the informational entropy. Kolmogorov measure when applied to natural phenomena, presents higher values associated with disorder and lower to order. However, it is considered that high complexity must be (...)
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  24. Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics: The Enron Effect—Love of Money, Corporate Ethical Values, Corruption Perceptions Index, and Dishonesty Across 31 Geopolitical Entities.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Toto Sutarso, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Ilya E. Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Michael W. Allen, Abdulgawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Rosario Correia, Linzhi Du, Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Chin-Kang Jen, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Kilsun Kim, Jian Liang, Eva Malovics, Alice S. Moreira, Richard T. Mpoyi, Anthony Ugochukwu Obiajulu Nnedum, Johnsto E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Francisco José Costa Pereira, Ruja Pholsward, Horia D. Pitariu, Marko Polic, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Caroline Urbain, Martina Trontelj, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Bolanle E. Adetoun & Modupe F. Adewuyi - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):919-937.
    Monetary intelligence theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the dark side of monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics—dishonesty. Dishonesty, a risky prospect, involves cost–benefit analysis of self-interest. We frame good or bad barrels in the environmental context as a proxy of high or low probability of getting caught for dishonesty, respectively. We theorize: The magnitude and intensity of (...)
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  25. Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics Across 32 Cultures: Good Apples Enjoy Good Quality of Life in Good Barrels.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Toto Sutarso, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Vivien Kim Geok Lim, Thompson Sian Hin Teo, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Ilya E. Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Michael W. Allen, Abdulgawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Mark G. Borg, Luigina Canova, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Rosario Correia, Linzhi Du, Consuelo Garcia de la Torre, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Chin-Kang Jen, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Kilsun Kim, Jian Liang, Eva Malovics, Anna Maria Manganelli, Alice S. Moreira, Richard T. Mpoyi, Anthony Ugochukwu Obiajulu Nnedum, Johnsto E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Francisco José Costa Pereira, Ruja Pholsward, Horia D. Pitariu, Marko Polic, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Caroline Urbain, Martina Trontelj, Jingqiu Chen & Ningyu Tang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):893-917.
    Monetary Intelligence theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the bright side of Monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics, frames money attitude in the context of pay and life satisfaction, and controls money at the macro-level and micro-level. We theorize: Managers with low love of money motive but high stewardship behavior will have high subjective well-being: pay satisfaction and (...)
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  26.  22
    Human Resource Management and Innovative Performance in Non-profit Hospitals: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Culture.Julio C. Acosta-Prado, Oscar H. López-Montoya, Carlos Sanchís-Pedregosa & Rodrigo A. Zárate-Torres - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  27.  40
    Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom: A cross‐level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Zhen Li, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Toto Sutarso, Ilya Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Caroline Urbain, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Consuelo Garcia De La Torre, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Abdulqawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Linzhi Du, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Kilsun Kim, Eva Malovics, Richard T. Mpoyi, Obiajulu Anthony Ugochukwu Nnedum, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Michael W. Allen, Rosário Correia, Chin-Kang Jen, Alice S. Moreira, Johnston E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Ruja Pholsward, Marko Polic, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Adrian H. Pitariu & Francisco José Costa Pereira - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):925-945.
    Corruption involves greed, money, and risky decision-making. We explore the love of money, pay satisfaction, probability of risk, and dishonesty across cultures. Avaricious monetary aspiration breeds unethicality. Prospect theory frames decisions in the gains-losses domain and high-low probability. Pay dissatisfaction (in the losses domain) incites dishonesty in the name of justice at the individual level. The Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI, signals a high-low probability of getting caught for dishonesty at the country level. We theorize that decision-makers adopt avaricious love-of-money aspiration (...)
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  28.  34
    School Achievement and Performance in Chilean High Schools: The Mediating Role of Subjective Wellbeing in School-Related Evaluations.Verónica López, Juan C. Oyanedel, Marian Bilbao, Javier Torres, Denise Oyarzún, Macarena Morales, Paula Ascorra & Claudia Carrasco - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  29. What information and the extent of information research participants need in informed consent forms: a multi-country survey.Juntra Karbwang, Nut Koonrungsesomboon, Cristina E. Torres, Edlyn B. Jimenez, Gurpreet Kaur, Roli Mathur, Eti N. Sholikhah, Chandanie Wanigatunge, Chih-Shung Wong, Kwanchanok Yimtae, Murnilina Abdul Malek, Liyana Ahamad Fouzi, Aisyah Ali, Beng Z. Chan, Madawa Chandratilake, Shoen C. Chiew, Melvyn Y. C. Chin, Manori Gamage, Irene Gitek, Mohammad Hakimi, Narwani Hussin, Mohd F. A. Jamil, Pavithra Janarsan, Madarina Julia, Suman Kanungo, Panduka Karunanayake, Sattian Kollanthavelu, Kian K. Kong, Bing-Ling Kueh, Ragini Kulkarni, Paul P. Kumaran, Ranjith Kumarasiri, Wei H. Lim, Xin J. Lim, Fatihah Mahmud, Jacinto B. V. Mantaring, Siti M. Md Ali, Nurain Mohd Noor, Kopalasuntharam Muhunthan, Elanngovan Nagandran, Maisarah Noor, Kim H. Ooi, Jebananthy A. Pradeepan, Ahmad H. Sadewa, Nilakshi Samaranayake, Shalini Sri Ranganathan, Wasanthi Subasingha, Sivasangari Subramaniam, Nadirah Sulaiman, Ju F. Tay, Leh H. Teng, Mei M. Tew, Thipaporn Tharavanij, Peter S. K. Tok, Jayanie Weeratna & T. Wibawa - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Background The use of lengthy, detailed, and complex informed consent forms is of paramount concern in biomedical research as it may not truly promote the rights and interests of research participants. The extent of information in ICFs has been the subject of debates for decades; however, no clear guidance is given. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the perspectives of research participants about the type and extent of information they need when they are invited to participate in (...)
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  30.  21
    COVID-19 Outbreak and Physical Activity in the Italian Population: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Underlying Psychosocial Mechanisms.Andrea Chirico, Fabio Lucidi, Federica Galli, Francesco Giancamilli, Jacopo Vitale, Stefano Borghi, Antonio La Torre & Roberto Codella - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31. La ética de Jaime Balmes.C. Torres Lopez - 1999 - Espíritu 48 (120):247-254.
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    Teaching methodologies in times of pandemic.Santiago Felipe Torres Aza, Gloria Isabel Monzón Álvarez, Gianny Carol Ortega Paredes & José Manuel Calizaya López - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):5-10.
    The current times call for reforms in educational processes. The Covid-19 pandemic had an unforeseen impact on the educational system in all countries. This need for change requires new pedagogies and new methods for teaching and learning. Understanding the need for change is essential for the formulation of adaptive proposals, as well as for the generation of training activities to complement the teaching curriculum. New educational practices lead to a vision of educational quality, with new approaches that allow the continuous (...)
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  33.  15
    Expertise and Sliding Scales: Lactation Consultants, Doulas, and the Relational Work of Breastfeeding and Labor Support.Jennifer M. C. Torres - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (2):244-264.
    The combination of money and intimacy, particularly in the context of paid caring, can be difficult, given the tendency to view them as belonging to separate spheres. This research studied paid caring within the context of breastfeeding and labor support, using 72 interviews with lactation consultants, doulas, clients, and health care professionals, as well as 150 hours of ethnographic observation. Building upon the work of Viviana Zelizer, I examined the relational work of lactation consultants, doulas, and their clients, finding that (...)
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    Dangerous Worldview and Perceived Sociopolitical Control: Two Mechanisms to Understand Trust in Authoritarian Political Leaders in Economically Threatening Contexts.Laura C. Torres-Vega, Josefa Ruiz & Miguel Moya - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this research we analyzed the relationship between threatening economic contexts and trust in authoritarian ideologies and leaders, regardless of the left–right political axis. Based on two theoretical approaches, we argue that this relationship is mediated by dangerous worldview and low perceived sociopolitical control. We conducted two correlational studies with samples of the general population. In Study 1, we found that perceived threat from the economic crisis and low socioeconomic status were correlated with a higher dangerous worldview, which resulted in (...)
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  35. Il banchetto di luxuria nell'opera in prosa di Seneca'.C. Torre - 1997 - Paideia 52:377-396.
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    Justicia abstracta y diversidad cultural : unidad en la diferencia.Mariano C. Melero de la Torre - 2010 - Endoxa 25:315.
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    Judicial Reason as a Model for Public Reason: Rawls, Dworkin and the Law.Mariano C. Melero de la Torre - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:83.
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    Objetividad y verdad. Sobre el vigor contemporáneo de la falacia objetivista.Juan Ramón Muñoz-Torres - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 27 (1):161-190.
    La influencia de la filosofía positivista ha propiciado que, en el mundo contemporáneo, se tienda a identificar verdad y objetividad. Este artículo se propone argumentar que: a) el concepto de objetividad es una reducción indebida del concepto clásico de verdad; b) las premisas en las que se basa la teoría de la objetividad no son axiomáticas, como parecen, y conducen a contradicciones; c) es necesaria una rehabilitación de la concepción realista de verdad, libre de las ataduras del pensamiento positivista.
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  39. Le modèle hiérarchique et le Concept de droit de Hart.Massimo La Torre - 2013 - Revus 21:117-139.
    Le droit est traditionnellement lié à la pratique du commandement et de la hiérarchie. Il semble qu’une règle juridique établisse une immédiate relation entre une norme supérieure et une norme inférieure. La conception hiérarchique et impérative peut néanmoins être remise en cause dès lors que la phénoménologie de la règle juridique est appréhendée d’un point de vue interne, celui de ceux que l’on peut considérer comme les « utilisateurs » de la règle plutôt que ceux qui la subissent. Une approche (...)
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    The Color of Noise and Weak Stationarity at the NREM to REM Sleep Transition in Mild Cognitive Impaired Subjects.Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, Erika E. Rodriguez-Torres, Benjamín A. Itzá-Ortiz, Pedro Miramontes, Génesis Vázquez-Tagle, Julio C. Enciso-Alva, Valeria García-Muñoz, Lourdes Cubero-Rego, José E. Pineda-Sánchez, Claudia I. Martínez-Alcalá & Jose S. Lopez-Noguerola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:361371.
    In Older Adults (OAs), Electroencephalogram (EEG) slowing in frontal lobes and a diminished muscle atonia during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM) have each been effective tracers of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), but this relationship remains to be explored by non-linear analysis. Likewise, data provided by EEG, EMG (Electromyogram) and EOG (Electrooculogram)—the three required sleep indicators—during the transition from REM to Non-REM (NREM) sleep have not been related jointly to MCI. Therefore, the main aim of the study was to explore, with (...)
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  41.  28
    New Insights on the Quantum-Classical Division in Light of Collapse Models.Fernanda Torres, Sujoy K. Modak & Alfredo Aranda - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (4):1-11.
    We argue, in light of Collapse Model interpretation of quantum theory, that the fundamental division between the quantum and classical behaviors might be analogous to the division of thermodynamic phases. A specific relationship between the collapse parameter $$(\lambda )$$ and the collapse length scale ( $$r_C$$ ) plays the role of the coexistence curve in usual thermodynamic phase diagrams. We further claim that our functional relationship between $$\lambda$$ and $$r_C$$ is strongly supported by the existing International Germanium Experiment (IGEX) collaboration (...)
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    Structural analysis of rapidly solidified Mg–Cu–Y glasses during room-temperature embrittlement.D. I. Uhlenhaut, F. H. Dalla Torre, A. Castellero, C. A. P. Gomez, N. Djourelov, G. Krauss, B. Schmitt, B. Patterson & J. F. Löffler - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (3):233-248.
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    Comparison between three complementary approaches to simulate ' large ' fluence irradiation: application to electron irradiation of thin foils.A. Barbu, C. S. Becquart, J. L. Bocquet, J. Dalla Torre & C. Domain - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):541-547.
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    Multiculturalidad E interculturalidad: Desafíos epistemológicos de la escolarización desarrollada en contextos indígenas.Daniel Quilaqueo R. & Héctor Torres C. - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:285-300.
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    Consultores 2009.Adriana Benevides Soares, Adriana Nobre De Paula Simão, Adriana Wagner, Alessandra Turini Bolsoni-Silva, Alice Maggi, Alvaro Roberto Crespo Merlo, Ana Cristina Gonçalves Dantas de Araújo, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, Ana Paula Porto Noronha & Ana Raquel Rosas Torres - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:1.
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    Capacidades y derechos de los animales: argumentos a favor de la teoría de M.C. Nussbaum.Mikel Torres Aldave - 2009 - Dilemata 1 (1).
    Many publications in the field of animal ethics consider the theories of Peter Singer and Tom Regan as the main arguments for the direct moral consideration of non human animals. This paper argues that both those theories have to face serious problems that make them difficult to accept and to apply, and proposes instead an alternative based on the recent work of M. C. Nussbaum. She has drafted a theory in favor of the direct moral consideration of non human animals, (...)
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    Comparison between three complementary approaches to simulate ‘ large ’ fluence irradiation: application to electron irradiation of thin foils.A. Barbu *, C. S. Becquart, J. L. Bocquet, J. Dalla Torre & C. Domain - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):541-547.
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  48. La historia perdida de Kierkegaard y Adorno, de Asunción Herrera Guevara.Mariano C. Melero de la Torre - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):141-144.
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    Comparative Analysis of Water Extraction Mechanism in Roman Mines.J. C. Fortes-Garrido, A. M. Rodríguez-Pérez, J. A. Hernández-Torres, J. J. Caparrós-Mancera, J. M. Dávila-Martín & J. Castilla-Gutiérrez - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):185-203.
    The removal of water from mines was one of the key issues that former miners had to deal with. Roman colonists brought new technology to the Iberian Peninsula that addressed this problem. However, they did not invent this technology because it had already been applied to the growth of other endeavours in the Hellenistic society throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. In the mine, the Archimedes screw, waterwheels, bucket pulleys, and Ctesibius pumps were the primary drainage systems. In this essay, the primary (...)
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    Global Report on Adult Learning and Education.L. Chisholm, A. Hasan, C. A. Torres, R. Desjardins, S. Schmelkes, S. Han & Uil - unknown
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